If your not used to the short terms people use in Runescape, Player versus Player, also called Player Killing, is called PKing in short in Runescape. The wilderness used to be a really busy place a higher percent of the players online PKing compared to today. Some might call the Wilderness dead, but in fact there are a lot of PKers who still play, a lot of people go to school or work a job so not everyone is online at the same time. The Wilderness in Runescape might be in desperate need of attention but it's not dead. Some players might be afraid to lose loot but with risk, comes reward. The main reason a lot of people don't like the Evolution of Combat and use legacy is because the learning curve for the abilities takes longer, personally I think it's great Runescape keeps up with other games and keeps itself relevant in an ever growing world of competition and still gives players the option to use the older combat system.